The Ayurveda secret to address fat accumulation, an Esthetician and Licensed Massage Therapist's key to stepping up their practice is in addressing the health of the total body and it's cellular environment. KANSA Organics developed an ergonomic massage tool made of wood and bronze metal to be used in circular motions on the tissues to bring endless health benefits. When the KANSA wand from ancient ayurveda is used, we are pulling acidity from the tissues as we increase oxygen flow to the cells. This plays a part in fostering an alkaline environment, which slows the accumulation of fat. Here is a bit more information on how fat accumulation is related to acidity: "Body acidity and body fat are intricately linked in a way that is generally unknown to most people. Fat is one of the body’s primary defenses used to protect your blood pH. pH is a measurement that determines the level of acidity or alkalinity. Your blood must maintain a pH of 7.3 to 7.4 to sustain life. And w...